Best and Worst Styles of Yoga for Rheumatoid Arthritis


大多数类型的瑜伽(但不是全部)对联合健康都是很棒的。 盖蒂图像

With its stretching, strengthening, and soothing effects, yoga can be a great exercise for people living with rheumatoid arthritis (RA).

对于不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华的作家兼演员朱莉娅·夏伊科(Julia Chayko)肯定是这种情况diagnosed with RA12 years ago. A former dancer, Julia understands the importance of keeping the body moving, and she has found that doing yoga several times a week allows her to maintain flexibility and strength. It also calms her mind and facilitates inner peace. “Yoga is great for escaping the crazy world for a little while. It’s just time for me,” Julia says.


朱莉娅(Julia)特别喜欢瑜伽的一件事是标签下的各种样式。她说:“有很多不同的类型 - 确实是,赦免双关语,灵活。”



例如,在一项研究中出版于March 2019 in the journalRestorative Neurology and Neuroscience,,,,people with the disease who practiced a significant amount of yoga in addition to taking medication decreased their inflammatory markers and had less depression after two months than a control group who simply continued their meds.


一种关于RA的人的研究综述Current Rheumatology Reports同样得出的结论是,瑜伽减少了抑郁症,并使人们感觉更好。

一种nother review,出版于2020 in the journalFrontiers in Medicine,包括10项临床试验的信息,涉及800多名RA。它发现瑜伽有助于身体功能,疾病活动和握力,尽管没有发现疼痛或关节肿胀的影响。


瑜伽姿势“还可以促进关节内部的流体循环,促进运动的易感性,甚至可以帮助您更好地睡眠” - 所有这些都很重要类风湿关节炎的人,说Loren Fishman, MD,,,,a rehabilitation medicine physician in Manhattan and the author of numerous books about yoga and health, including关节炎的瑜伽Yoga for Back Pain

Benefits especially come when you pay attention to your breath and you don’t rush the poses,according to the online arthritis community CreakyJoints,,,,where Julia is a member. To ease yourself into your day or to help you sleep, you can even practice a couple of poses in bed in the morning or at night, the website suggests.

有关的:Physical Activity Is Essential for Managing Rheumatoid Arthritis



与身体运动一起,呼吸是瑜伽的重要方面。埃迪·斯特恩(Eddie Stern),纽约市的瑜伽老师,作者一件简单的事情:对瑜伽的科学及其如何改变您的生活的新看法。他说,放慢呼吸并延长呼吸有助于舒缓神经系统,“所以您走出班级有点平静,”他说。



Some people try to do yoga on their own, such as by using a DVD or a streaming service. But if you are new to yoga, it’s important to have a teacher standing in front of you who can offer you feedback, corrections, andsuggested modifications斯特恩说。他说:“视频或互联网很难帮助您调整或纠正某些内容。”

实际上,对瑜伽受伤的研究出版于July 2019 inBMC互补和替代医学这对德国的1,700名瑜伽从业者进行了调查,发现自己做瑜伽的人是最有可能受伤的人。



您需要找到一位具有丰富经验的讲师,理想情况下是与患有健康状况的人一起工作的教练。最致命的讲师可以在注册表中找到瑜伽联盟,,,,where teachers bear the designations RYT 200 or 500, designating how many hours of instruction and teaching experience they have (higher numbers mean they have gone through more rigorous training and have taught for more years).

国际瑜伽治疗师协会的认证,一群在帮助解决医疗挑战的人方面有知识的教师。您可以看到附近是否有老师on their website

“一位经验丰富的老师会知道如何帮助您修改姿势,同样重要的是,不会阻止您做自己的事情能够做的。”莱斯利·卡扎迪(Leslie Kazadi),在加利福尼亚州圣塔莫尼卡的长期认证瑜伽治疗师。考虑参加一两次私人会议,理想情况下,与瑜伽治疗师一起进行,因此您可以在进入课程之前学习适合您的姿势的调整。


Be careful不要太努力或过度努力。迹象表明您正在减少benefits of yoga- 甚至可能造成问题 - 包括在练习过程中呼吸和疼痛(不仅仅是肌肉拉伸的酸痛)在上课时或之后。


People are different in terms of the types of yoga they most enjoy, Stern says. An Iyengar class, where the instructor talks a lot, for instance, might not be a fit if you have a quiet, more introspective personality. Similarly, if you’re athletic, a more mellow restorative-style class may frustrate you.

在某些方面,您选择的任何类型的班级都可以产生好处。一篇评论文章研究了300多项针对健康状况的瑜伽计划研究,这是出版于医学补充疗法2016年4月,,,,concluded that the vast majority of practitioners got positive benefits regardless of the style of yoga they preferred.


The Best Types of Yoga for People With Rheumatoid Arthritis

Experts say that people with rheumatoid arthritis should especially seek out these yoga styles.

1. Iyengar —以已故的印度大师的名字命名B.K.S.伊扬格,这种方法强调每种姿势的精度和对齐方式以及呼吸工作。Iyengar教练将脚移到半英寸以将臀部放在适当的位置上并不少见,这使您无法在关节上施加过多的压力。姿势通常持续几分钟,课程包括道具(毯子,皮带和块),以使您陷入姿势,否则就无法握住。Fishman博士说:“道具的支持对于流动性有限的人特别有用,您做的姿势越好,更安全,更具治疗性。”在集团的网站; click on United States, then select your state.

2.哈莎 -从技术上讲,哈塔(Hatha)指的是涉及姿势的所有形式的瑜伽,但是这个术语意味着慢速的课程,您至少要呼吸每个姿势。这些班级通常还包括单独的呼吸练习,称为pranayama,短暂的冥想也包括在内。哈塔(Hatha)的一些知名学校包括Sivananda瑜伽和整体瑜伽。因为速度往往会慢,所以您有时间弄清楚如何修改姿势困扰您的关节。每个班级结束的深度放松时期非常适合释放压力

3.修复 -这种做法就是放松。姿势保存五分钟或更长时间,堡垒和毯子确保每个姿势都适合您 - 使您可以进入深度休息的心理和身体空间。由于您可以通过这种方法沉入姿势并释放张力,因此这种类型的类型是关节炎的人,这是一种特别喜欢的类型。



1. Bikram and hot yoga —印度大师Bikram Choudhurydeveloped this precise style, in which 26 specific yoga postures are done in a room maintained at 105 degrees F and 40 percent humidity. While热度菲什曼说,据说可以促进伸展运动,这也很疲劳,有RA的人不需要更多。更重要的是比克拉姆姿势不允许太多适应,其中一些姿势给关节带来了特殊的压力。

Classes advertised more generically as hot yoga may be held at slightly lower temperatures, around 85 degrees, but sometimes incorporate faster-paced sequences, which could also be overly taxing for those with RA. Nonetheless, some people with RA do find the heat relaxing for the joints, as long as they don’t over do it. Julia Chayko enjoyed Bikram for several years before settling into more gentle hatha classes.

2. Vinyasa —Exercise enthusiasts are often drawn toVinyasa课程,,,,which include a variety of class styles in which poses are linked in a dynamic, flowing practice that is more有氧运动比其他瑜伽类型。例如,您可能会立即陷入扭曲,然后是木板,然后是俯卧撑,而不是握住弓步。从理论上讲,一类流动的动作对于有RA的人来说是可以的,但快速步伐并不能使时间改变姿势,从而在手腕或脚踝上施加压力。一个例外是适合关节疼痛的人的少数专业vinyasa类。在这些课程中,参与者经常使用椅子。

3.电力瑜伽-这种基于健身的瑜伽风格旨在发展strength and flexibility。Power Yoga是一种充满活力的风格,通常包括比其他类型的瑜伽更要求的姿势。也许由于它的困难,德国的研究挑出了权力瑜伽,因为风格从业者最有可能受伤。