Study Shows How to Reframe Stress and Use It to Your Advantage

Scientists have long been studying stress reappraisal. New research provides more evidence that it works — and stress can be used to help rather than hinder.

young woman lasso stress
The body’s stress response is designed to help us in challenging situations. This work helps explain how we can harness its benefits. Klaus Vedfelt/Getty Images; Everyday Health

Conventional wellness wisdom might persuade us to eliminate stress as much as possible. But psychologists say not so fast.

一种今年发表的研究Journal of Experimental Psychology证明学生将压力视为一种应对工具在数学考试中的表现要好于学生在数学考试中的表现更好。该研究背后的研究人员说,更多的证据表明压力可以成为成功的关键,而不是抑制剂。

首席研究员说,我们经常被告知压力是一件坏事。杰里米·杰米森(Jeremy Jamieson),博士,纽约罗切斯特大学的心理学副教授和社会压力实验室的首席研究员。


压力is the body’s normal and natural reaction to changes in the environment it perceives as challenging. Our压力反应triggers a series of physical and mental processes (your heart starts to beat faster, you feel more energized, and you become more alert, among other effects) to help your body meet the challenge it perceives (whether that’s escaping a burning building or kicking yourself into high gear because you’re running late for an important meeting).




Instead, Jamieson’s team is working on strategies to help people reframe how they perceive stress, so they can indeed use it to face (and succeed in meeting) the many challenges life throws at us, rather than be paralyzed by it. In psychology, the term for this is “cognitive reframing,” and it’s a technique that’s been well-studied.

根据review article published in February 2020 in the American Psychological Association’s journal情感(Jamieson is a coauthor), a growing body of evidence suggests that teaching people the usefulness and benefits of stress can improve stress responses, enhance performance, and boost well-being.

The new study from Jamieson and his team adds further evidence that cognitive reframing works, by testing the theory in the face of a real-world stressor: math exams.





The group that had read about stress reappraisal performed better on exams, had lower levels of math anxiety, and even had lower皮质醇水平than the group told to keep stress out of their minds throughout the semester when they took tests.

研究表明,只有当您认为自己没有资源来处理它的情况下,压力才会损害。莎拉·普拉斯曼(Sarah Pressman),博士,加州大学欧文分校的研究人员研究了积极情绪与健康之间的相互作用(她没有参与新研究)。如果您将压力视为工具,那么您更有可能查看压力很大作为挑战。


Can You Reframe All Stress to Work in Your Favor?

These techniques work best just before performance situations like academic testing or public speaking, scenarios where you have an opportunity to see your stress response as useful before you respond to the challenge you’re facing.

如果您患有panic attack, this technique probably won’t work, Jamieson says. The stress in that case is no longer functional because you’re already responding to whatever the challenge is. That’s why cognitive reframing is used as a therapy forpanic attacks根据您的攻击,而不是在他们期间。美国心理协会


Pressman adds that it would be interesting to test other physical stress response signals beyond changes in stress hormone levels.


Jamieson points out, however, that an older他合着的研究也出版了Journal of Experimental Psychologyshowed there was no difference between test performance for individuals told to ignore stress and those told nothing at all. The academic performance of the control group was also similar to student performance generally in previous semesters, he says.


If you’re worried about an upcoming event at which you need to perform in some way — a presentation at work or a toast at a wedding — here’s how you might reframe stress as something useful.




请注意,您的压力以及如何为您出现。Darlene Mininni, MD, MPH, the health psychologist who created the undergraduate well-being LifeSkills course at the University of California in Los Angeles. Pay attention to the specific ways your body responds to stress, she says. (They can be emotional and physical.) “When stress shows up for me, I notice my jaw clenches. My heart is pounding. I’m sweating,” she says. That’s the stress response at work.


一旦您认识到压力正在进行,请提醒自己,这种反应是正常的,甚至可能有用。“也许这表明您的身体实际上正在为您提供能量,” Mininni博士建议,他也是日常健康健康咨询委员会的成员。



5. Practice Techniques to Keep Stress Under Control

