

去年,只有一半的美国成年人有视力丧失风险。 B. Boissonnet/Corbis

Far too often, people will put off having an eye exam until they decide to get new eyewear or detect a change in their vision. Comprehensive exams help spot potentially serious eye problems early on, when treatment can still slow or prevent vision loss.

A newstudy发表在美国验光学会杂志上验光和视觉科学,报道说,全球1.08亿人患有可纠正的视力障碍。根据U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC),在过去一年中,估计有6100万美国成年人有6100万美国成年人受到严重视力丧失的风险。




Like a camera, the eye has a lens that focuses light on the retina at the back of the eye. The lens can become cloudy — a condition known as a cataract — limiting vision and making it difficult to read or drive, especially at night. As白内障进步,您可能很难从远处识别面孔或阅读路标。

“Cataracts develop with age,” says Lisa Park, MD, an眼科医生和clinical associate professor at NYU Langone Medical Center in New York City. “Everyone will develop significant cataracts if we live long enough. It’s most common in people in their seventies.”

白内障手术involves replacing the cloudy lens with a new one. “It’s one of the most common ambulatory surgeries performed,” says Dr. Park. “Surgery takes place in the office, and you don’t need general anesthesia. The recovery is relatively quick.”



黄斑是视网膜的小小的,是敏锐,直截了当的视觉所必需的 - 您需要阅读或驾驶所需的愿景。迈克尔·格罗丁(Michael Grodin),医学博士,巴尔的摩Katzen Eye Group的视网膜服务联合主任和临床研究主管。

“一种MD is the leading cause of irreversible vision loss among people 60 and older,” Dr. Grodin says. The AmericanMacular DegenerationFoundation estimates AMD affects more than 10 million Americans.

“There are two types of AMD,” Grodin explains. “Dry AMD [or atrophic] results from aging and thinning of the macula, and accounts for 80 percent of AMD cases. Twenty percent progress to wet AMD [neovascular]. Wet AMD can cause severe vision loss due to growth of abnormal blood vessels beneath the retina, which leak blood and fluid.”

您可以通过下载称为The的筛选工具来测试自己的AMD迹象Amsler Grid。这square grid looks like a sheet of graph paper, but with a dot at the center. Covering one eye at a time, stare at the dot. If lines in the grid appear wavy, broken, distorted, or blurred, it may indicate AMD. You can also do a “face test”: With one eye covered, examine your face in the mirror and look for any blurred or missing parts.

除年龄外,其他AMD危险因素还包括家族病史,吸烟和高血压。目前没有treatments for dry AMD, but wet AMD can be treated with drugs or laser surgery.





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“Macular puckers are also called cellophane retinopathy — a name that helps you visualize the effect of the membrane,” says Brian Spittle, OD, anoptometrist在弗吉尼亚州里士满。“如果您要在桌子上放一张玻璃纸,然后将其捏在中间,它可以模仿眼睛背面的物理变化。”


Retinal Detachment

“一种独立的视网膜is serious and can threaten your sight,” says Grodin. “The retina becomes separated from its underlying supportive tissue and cannot function. Unless it’s reattached quickly, you may have permanent vision loss.

突然出现眼花架, accompanied by flashes of light or loss of peripheral vision, may be warning signs of a detached retina. “Your vision might also become blurry or poor, or you may notice a shadow or curtain cross your eye,” Grodin says. “Symptoms of a detached retina can occur gradually or suddenly. The sooner the retina is reattached, the better the chance your vision can be restored.”




Risk factors include age, family history, and race (African-Americans over age 40, for instance, are at greater risk). Spittle says using steroid-based medications may increase pressure inside the eye.


这bottom line: If you haven’t had an eye exam in some time, make an appointment. If you detect any changes in your vision, see an eye doctor right away.