11 Easy Hand and Foot Exercises for Psoriatic Arthritis

These simple, gentle moves can reduce joint pain and increase flexibility, strength, and range of motion.

Medically Reviewed
hand using exercise ball photo illustration
Squeezing and releasing a squishy ball can be good for your fingers. Getty Images; Everyday Health

疼痛,肿胀和僵硬psoriatic arthritiscan be misery for the distal joints, the ones closest to fingernails and toenails. The result can be decreased flexibility, strength, and range of motion in the hands and feet.

“Some people may have muscle fatigue and morning stiffness that lasts for several hours and gets in the way of daily functioning,” says医学博士Ronald Rapoport, chief of rheumatology at Southcoast Health in Fall River, Massachusetts.



银屑病关节炎Symptoms in Hands and Feet: What to Know



而医生开了银屑病关节炎药物生物制剂to prevent or slow permanent joint damage, exercise can help maintain joint function, says劳伦·史密斯(Lauren Smith),纽约市特殊外科医院的物理治疗师和护理协调员。


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  1. 通过制作拳头,然后闭合手来增加运动范围。为了增强手中的肌肉,请用小而柔软的球或卷起的袜子增加阻力。
  2. 史密斯说,将手指放入一碗干米饭中,然后轻轻张开并关闭手。
  3. Touch your thumb to each of your fingertips on the same hand, the牛皮癣和银屑病联盟建议。Go from the index finger to the pinkie and back again.
  4. 手指“行走”可以提高灵活性和运动范围,并增强手中的肌肉。要做到这一点,将手掌放在桌子上,手指略微散开。将手指侧向移动。通过将每只手指移向拇指,继续进行此运动。


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Exercises for Psoriatic Arthritis Wrists

  1. 通过让手臂放在桌子上并将手腕悬在边缘上来改善运动范围。向上卷曲手腕,使指关节朝天花板朝上,然后向下卷曲手腕。接下来,做一个拳头,将手向左移动,然后向右移动。每天重复10次。要添加加强组件,请加入填充的水瓶或小重量。史密斯说:“每隔一天做一次,因为您的肌肉会酸痛。”
  2. 要在手腕的灵活性上工作,请将整个手臂放在桌子上,以使肘部直接。用另一只手抓住手指,然后轻轻拉动手指,使它们伸直。保持30秒;再重复两次。然后将手指向下拉,握住,然后重复三遍。史密斯说,您每天都可以做到这一点。

Exercises for Psoriatic Arthritis Feet

Smith recommends putting your toes to work with their own daily range-of-motion exercises.

  1. 坐在毛巾或枕套上,用脚趾在织物的远端边缘两到三分钟。
  2. 一次拿起大约20颗大理石,一次将它们移到另一个位置,American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) recommends
  3. 用每只脚从A到Z绘制字母。坐下或躺下,以使您的脚在移动时不会碰到地板。如果可以的话,也向后跟踪字母。
  4. 脚趾和脚跟抬起。坚持像台面一样保持平衡的固体表面,将脚趾慢慢抬高10次,然后休息一分钟,抬起脚跟10次。这应该每隔一天做一次。
  5. Toimprove flexibility, the AAOS recommends daily calf stretches, like a runner’s stretch. Stand facing a wall, with your hands flat on the surface. Lean forward with one leg, slightly bending the knee. Straighten the other leg behind you, with your heel flat and toes pointed in slightly. Focus on pressing both hips forward as your heels remain flat on the floor. Hold for 30 seconds, then relax for 30 seconds. Repeat three times on each side, but focus on the affected leg, Smith says.
