

What can Medicare recipients expect from a Trump or Biden presidency? Marvin Ruiter/shutterstock




根据AARP最近的一项民意调查,老年人希望在这次选举中解决一些关键问题。((1)候选人管理的计划vwin app新冠肺炎危机今年排名榜首,您可能会看到媒体报道的冲击旨在帮助您巩固对此问题的立场。



有关的:How to Find the Best Medicare Advantage Plan


特朗普总统尚未为vwin德赢app下载during this campaign. But the Trump administration’s 2021 budget proposal (2)也许是他未来议程的最佳迹象。在这项预算提案中,政府表示将:

  • 保护和改善医疗保险计划
  • 解决医疗保险和医疗补助的不当付款

该提案提供了有关政府计划如何保护和改善医疗保险的详细信息,而仅提供的。但是,最近,政府宣布对Medicare的更改,该更改允许Medicare Advantage计划成员可以为远程医疗提供更大的访问权限,并为患有慢性疾病的人和居住在农村地区的人提供医疗保险优势。

The proposed budget for next year states as a priority the standardizing of payments for medical care regardless of the site where care is received, and增加远程医疗的访问权限, both of which would be wins for seniors.

Trump’s budget includes greater restrictions on Medicaid eligibility, including work requirements, so one might conclude that overall healthcare savings could come from having fewer people eligible for Medicaid coverage. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, (3)however, nearly one in five Medicare recipients is also covered by Medicaid, which serves as a supplement to Medicare coverage for low-income beneficiaries. If drastic cuts are made to Medicaid, this could have a negative effect on low-income senior citizens and on Medicare spending.


If the ACA were to be repealed as Trump has proposed, Medicare recipients would lose benefits the ACA provided: incremental closing of theMedicare处方药“甜甜圈孔”并免费覆盖预防服务。2017年,特朗普总统颁布了2017年的《减税和就业法》,并废除了称为“凯迪拉克税”的ACA规定,这一举动加速了Medicare Trust Fund的破产。((4



Biden has outlined a plan for Medicare that diverges significantly from his opponent's. Biden plans to:

  • 将医疗保险资格年龄降低到60岁
  • 为健康保险提供类似医疗保险的公共选择
  • Add vision,听力, and牙科benefits to Medicare (5

Biden’s proposal to lower医疗保险的年龄from 65 to 60 means that 20 million more Americans would be eligible for Medicare benefits, according to the Biden campaign. The Medicare-like public option would be an alternative for working-age adults who do not have or cannot afford employer-based benefits. Just as Medicare is able to negotiate lower rates for medical care than private insurance, this Medicare-like public insurance should be able to negotiate lower rates than private entities, offering an affordable solution for many people.



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Perhaps one of the few issues where the two candidates find common ground is the need to control prescription drug prices, and the American public agrees. According to a recent poll, more than 81 percent of voters over 50 say that a candidate who ignores the rising cost of prescription drugs risks losing their vote.


  • 允许Medicare谈判处方药价格。
  • 允许各州谈判较低的毒品价格。
  • 赋予州检察官的一般权力,以统治价格上涨
  • 近距离漏洞,使公司能够推迟通用替代方案的到来。
  • CAP消费者的自付开处方成本。((6



Biden's plan will:

  • 废除允许制药公司避免与Medicare谈判的药品价格的例外。
  • 建立一个独立的审查委员会,为新药设定合理的价格。
  • 限制毒品价格上涨到当前的通货膨胀率。
  • 允许消费者从其他国家购买药物。
  • 结束制药公司的广告税收减免。
  • 加速开发并增加通用药物的可用性。



Throughout his first term, Trump has reiterated his 2016 campaign pledge to lower prescription drug costs. During the 2016 campaign, Trump also voiced support for repealing the law that prevents Medicare from negotiating drug prices with pharmaceutical companies. Since taking office, however, he has not furthered this agenda. What he has done, is:

  • 使从其他国家进口毒品变得更容易
  • Limited rebates pharmacy benefit managers can get when they negotiate prices with drug companies forMedicare部分dplans
  • Capped monthly insulin costs for some members enrolled in Part D plans
  • 增加了可用的通用数量


  • 通过将制药公司的回扣增加到联邦政府,支持两党的举措来控制药品价格
  • ImproveMedicare部分d通过为老年人提供自付费用,并提供降低成本和自付费用的激励措施



Trump seems likely to continue on his current path of dismantling the Affordable Care Act where possible, reducing costs (and likely coverage) of Medicaid, providing support for Medicare and, more specifically, Medicare Advantage plans, and curbing prescription drug prices.


As the needs for Americans grow because of current events that have upended the lives of many — the新冠肺炎大流行,失业和经济下滑 - 我们下一任总统要解决这些对老年人健康和福祉至关重要的问题将变得迫切。


Editorial Sources and Fact-Checking

  1. Bunis D.将决定50多名美国人投票的前5个问题。AARP。August 3, 2020.
  2. A Budget for America's Future.美国管理和预算办公室vwin app。2020年2月。
  3. An Overview of Medicare.Kaiser家庭基金会。2019年2月13日。
  4. 医疗保健和2020年总统大选。Kaiser家庭基金会。September 15, 2020.
  5. 卫生保健。拜登总统
  6. Erskine J. AARP Launches "Stop Rx Greed" Campaign Targeting High Prescription Drug Prices.AARP。April 1, 2019.