6 Ways to Support Someone Recovering From Alcohol Use Disorder


Medically Reviewed
joined hands support friends family caring illustration

When supporting a loved one in their recovery from alcohol use disorder, it's important to seek emotional support for yourself, too.

Sana Sani/shutterstock

If someone you love has an饮酒障碍(AUD),您可能想知道如何在清醒的旅程中支持他们。无论他们是伴侣,家庭成员还是密友 - 以及他们仍在喝酒还是完全停止饮酒 - 您都可以在他们的康复中发挥重要作用。

实际上,得到朋友和家人的支持通常对于试图保持清醒的人至关重要。Niloufar Nekou是一名有执照的婚姻和家庭治疗师,专门研究酒精使用障碍,并且是加利福尼亚州达纳角(Dana Point)Alter Health Group的临床主任。您的支持可能会提供外部动力,以保持清醒和情感支持。

Patrick Cronin这是一名成瘾专家,已经从AUD恢复了16年,同意。“那里有很多复发的故事,可以在亲人或支持小组的帮助下被阻止,” Bedrock Recovery Center的业务发展总监Cronin说,他是ARK经营的四个成瘾治疗设施之一。马萨诸塞州昆西的行为健康。



专家说,支持从AUD恢复的人可能会感到沮丧,混乱和压倒性 - 这是完全可以理解的。这里有六个技巧,可以帮助您和您所爱的人:

1. Seek Support for Yourself First

Even the most patient, compassionate, and empathetic people need to take care of their own well-being, especially if they’ve taken on a supportive role for someone in recovery.

“It’s impossible to properly support someone in recovery from AUD unless you have the proper support for yourself,” says Nekou.


Resources you may want look into to include:

  • Al-Anon,一个为家人和酗酒朋友的12步计划
  • SMART Recovery Family and Friends, which has meetings available in-person and online that provide concerned significant others science-based tools for effectively supporting their loved one, without supporting their AUD or other addictive behavior


关于饮酒和成瘾的刻板印象,神话和误解是丰富的。有时,我们没有意识到这些错误的信念 - 错误的信念会对我们与康复中的人的互动产生负面影响。

For example, the misconceptions that AUD only happens to certain “types” of people or that they just need to hit “rock bottom” to “snap them back to reality” can unintentionally be interpreted by the person in recovery that you don’t think they’re trying hard enough or that you don’t care to understand what they’re experiencing.

Nekou suggests educating yourself on potential triggers, health issues, enablement, the recovery process, and the psychological changes that addiction causes. “Loved ones will find it much easier to relate to and assist a recovering loved one if they understand addiction, and they will also be much better equipped to help prevent relapse,” Nekou says.

3. Don’t ‘Babysit’ Their Sobriety

康复倡导者说,“照顾”某人清醒通常不是一个好主意。Amy Liz Harrison,作者Eternally Expecting: A Mom of Eight Gets Sober and Gives Birth to a New Life ... Her Own。哈里森已经从酒精中清醒了十年。







Cronin acknowledges it’s hard to trust someone who once had no control over their alcohol consumption — and knowing when and how to step in can be tricky. “Always stay alert and know when you need to request professional help,” Cronin advises.


5. Have Realistic Expectations


This misconception can leave many loved ones feeling disappointed by a loved one in recovery and the progress they’ve made or haven’t made, especially if a relapse occurs, Nekou explains. “It is definitely best to avoid statements or comments conveying disappointment, as it will likely be received as guilting or shaming and may even incite or exacerbate a relapse.”




Recovering from an AUD involves much more than willpower because addiction is not a choice, Nekou explains. “This is where the myth of willpower overcoming addiction originates,” she says.

While people often make a conscious decision to use substances, the domino effect of addiction begins once these substances start to alter brain and bodily functions, creating an uncontrollable pattern of compulsive use. “No amount of willpower can completely combat this result,” she says.

While every person is different, Cronin agrees that having willpower is rarely enough in recovery. “I can say that after 16 years, willpower is a very important key,” he says. “But you need it alongside other tools such as treatment and a good support system.”