


an illustration of the large and small intestine
不同种类的溃疡性结肠炎以严重程度和大肠的哪些区域受到影响。 阿拉米

If you havevwin998, you know the range of symptoms the disease can cause — from extremely urgent bowel movements to passing blood in your stool to pain and cramping caused by inflammation. But you may be less familiar with the different types of UC, as well as how each can impact the symptoms you experience and how the disease develops.

vwin998can be characterized by both severity — how badly inflamed the冒号是在疾病活动的位置,以及它影响的结肠的哪些区域。结合这两个因素可以解释为什么您会出现某些症状。


Ulcerative colitis can be roughly grouped as mild, moderate, or severe, according toDaniel Stein, MD, associate professor and director of the inflammatory bowel disease program at Froedtert and the Medical College of Wisconsin in Milwaukee. Your doctor can determine the severity of the disease based on symptoms, lab tests, and the results of a冒号oscopy。These tests also help rule out other medical conditions that mimic the symptoms of UC.

According to Dr. Stein, the main symptoms that doctors look at when rating UC severity are the number of bowel movements per day, amount of blood in the stool, weight loss, and reports of a poor appetite.

Important lab tests for determining the severity of a person’s UC can identifynutritional markers, like ironand protein stores, which indicate more severe disease when they’re lower. Doctors can also check for markers of inflammation in the blood, such as C-reactive protein.


类似但不那么侵入的过程是灵活的sigmoidoscopy。This procedure uses a flexible tube with a light to view just the lower portion of the colon. A definitive溃疡性结肠炎的诊断通常是使用内窥镜检查(即结肠镜检查或乙状结肠镜检查)制成的。

In addition to reported symptoms, lab tests, and endoscopy results, some people receive CT (computerized tomography) scans to assess inflammation in the colon, although the role of these scans is currently more limited in UC than in Crohn’s disease.

如果UC正在缓解,则使用基于结肠镜检查结果的评级系统确定疾病的严重程度可以帮助预测五年内复发的可能性。study published in August 2021 in the国际结肠直肠疾病杂志

What Are the Types of Ulcerative Colitis?

Another way to categorize ulcerative colitis is by identifying what areas of the colon it affects, as seen in a colonoscopy. According to Stein, UC always affects the rectum, the lowest section of the colon. But it may also affect higher parts of the colon.

There are four main types of UC based on how much of the rectum and the colon are affected:

溃疡性直肠炎This form of UC usually affects less than six inches of the rectum and is found in about 30 percent of people at the time of diagnosis. Because of its limited extent, it tends to be associated with less severe disease and fewer complications.


Left-Sided Colitis炎症甚至延伸到结肠这种UC的形式,到脾附近弯曲的地步。它往往更为严重,常见症状,包括腹泻,出血,食欲不振,体重减轻和严重abdominal painon the left side.

Pan-Ulcerative ColitisThis form of UC involves inflammation throughout the entire colon and tends to be the most severe variation with the greatest risk of complications that require surgery. Symptoms often include severe diarrhea, bleeding, cramps,abdominal pain和减肥。

Ulcerative colitis can become more extensive, affecting a larger area of the colon over time. In a long-term研究于2020年7月发表在Gut,研究人员分析了30年的病历,并发现总体而言,有28.7%的直肠炎患者或左侧UC的疾病随着时间的流逝而恶化。


斯坦因指出,结肠的更多参与通常意味着更严重的UC,但并不总是成立:“您可能有一个非常有限的疾病,只有直肠,但是非常严重疾病, withdeep ulceration and marked swelling and bleeding,” he says.

In such cases, though, the person is still far less likely to experience problems likemalnutritionand weight loss than someone with more extensive UC, Stein says.

另一方面,“您还可以看到一个涉及整个结肠但疾病非常温和的人,” Stein说。“而且他们每天可能只有三到四场排便,凳子上没有任何血液。”

In general, Stein says, the level of inflammation in the rectum, rather than higher areas of the colon, accounts for the greatest share of UC symptoms that people report. “If the rectum is relatively healthy compared with the rest of the colon,” he says, “people can often control their symptoms a little bit better.”

How much of your colon is affected probably won’t have an enormous impact on how your doctor recommends treating the condition, says Stein. “The anatomic features do have a factor in it,” he says, adding that they are just one element among several. “The whole clinical picture, from symptoms to laboratory abnormalities to how inflamed the colon looks, will guide us to which临床疗法我们选择。”



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