Pros and Cons of Vegetables for Afib Heart Health

Which veggies can help your heart stay healthy, and which ones might interact with atrial fibrillation medication?

Medically Reviewed
Managing atrial fibrillation means being careful with vegetables like kale.
Managing atrial fibrillation means being careful with vegetables like kale.

If you have the心律不齐of atrial fibrillation, eating a balanced diet is an important part of protecting your heart health. A study published in September 2014 in theJournal of Epidemiology & Community Healthfound that eating vegetables was associated with a lower risk of death from cardiovascular disease.

纽约市花园的董事会认证运动营养师克里斯蒂娜·里维拉路(Cristina Rivera Rd)说,如果您通过将一半的盘子填满一半的盘子来开始每餐,您就可以从每餐开始。但是,使用心房颤动(AFIB),请小心您选择哪种蔬菜。


Caution With Kale and Vitamin K

羽衣甘蓝是一种营养丰富的蔬菜,但是如果您要浸泡血液被称为华法林的药物(香菜,詹托文),您的医生可能会告诉您限制您吃的羽衣甘蓝量。羽衣甘蓝等绿叶蔬菜具有大量的维生素K,可以抵消一定blood thinners华法林,解释Kevin R. Campbell, MD, a cardiologistat Wake Heart and Vascular in Raleigh, North Carolina. If there's too much vitamin K in your body, it may prevent warfarin from working properly — putting you at risk for blood clots that can lead to stroke.

Dr. Campbell notednewer blood thinning medications与华法林不同,饮食中维生素K的影响不同,不容易受到维生素K的影响。

Legumes Lower Cholesterol

A研究于2014年5月发表在Canadian Medical Association Journal发现吃一天的豆类,豌豆,鹰嘴豆或小扁豆可以降低约5%,并显着降低心血管疾病的风险。像这样的豆类是一个重要的部分plant-based dietfor preventive care because they're a low glycemic index food, meaning they break down slowly in the body. And as your body digests legumes, these foods also reduce or displace the “bad” fats and animal proteins.


When atrial fibrillation is a concern, it’s important to keep blood pressure under control. Your doctor may recommend the DASH diet ("Dietary Approaches to StopHypertension") to help keep your numbers in line. The DASH diet was created based on the science of how certain vitamins and nutrients in food can help to reduce blood pressure, explained Rivera. This diet is rich in fiber, fruits, and vegetables but restricts salt.Potassium, which is found in potatoes,对降低血压因为它有助于减少盐的钠的影响。


Spinach Is Rich in Vitamin K

菠菜等绿叶蔬菜也很好地适合破折号饮食计划because they contain high amounts ofmagnesium- 在血压调节中起作用。菠菜充满了健康的维生素和养分 - 类胡萝卜素,镁,纤维,铁等。但是,如果您服用受维生素K(如华法林)影响的血液稀释剂,您的医生可能建议限制您吃的菠菜量,并保持每天保持一致。虽然FDA每天仅建议80微克维生素K,但一杯煮熟的菠菜可以包含超过800微克。其他很高维生素K的蔬菜包括萝卜,芥末和甜菜的羽衣甘蓝和蔬菜。


如果您的饮食没有足够的钙,西兰花是添加到菜单的绝佳选择。西兰花不仅有一个good amount of calcium— which has been associated with reduced blood pressure, it also contains fiber, which can help lowerLDL(“坏”)胆固醇,里维拉说。

保持胆固醇水平受到控制尤其重要people with atrial fibrillation. Broccoli doesn't contain as much vitamin K as kale or spinach — one cup of cooked broccoli has 162 micrograms of vitamin K — but it can still interfere with certain blood thinners. If you have afib, ask your doctor whether you need to limit the amount of broccoli you eat in one day.

Avocado Provides 'Good' Fats

里维拉说,要吃足够的心脏健康的不饱和脂肪,这是至关重要的鳄梨是完美的为了那个原因。不饱和脂肪avocadoscan help raise good cholesterol and also act as a natural anti-inflammatory, she adds.