

When watching the Food Network or thumbing through cooking magazines, you may run into the term “mother sauces.” No, Emeril hasn’t just invented the “mother of all sauces.” This term dates back to the early 1800s, when French chef Antonin Careme broke down sauces into five categories known as the five mother sauces. These sauces provide the foundation for hundreds of different sauces that have mystified many amateur cooks. By learning the basics of each mother-sauce category, you will be well on your way toward making your own fantastic derivatives.五个母亲调味料
Mother sauces date back to the 18Th世纪,当缺乏冷藏会导致食物变质得多。调味料通常被用来掩盖不太完美的肉类,家禽和海鲜的味道。五种母酱包括贝加梅尔酱,淡淡的酱汁,棕色或espagnole酱,荷兰酱和番茄酱。这些调味料在法语中也集体称为“ Sayces Meres”或“ Grandes酱汁”。每种酱汁都有一个独特的特征:béchamel酱是白色的,Veloute酱是金色的,espagnole酱是棕色的,荷兰酱酱是黄油,番茄酱是红色的。一看酱汁,您应该很快就能确定其衍生的母酱。母亲调味料经过时间考验的原因是,它们的通用性非常多,并提供了您可以建造数十个其他调味料的基本基础。例如,如果您在荷兰酱中添加切成丁的葱,白葡萄酒或醋,龙卷风和胡椒粉,那么您将有一个称为贝尔纳斯酱的衍生物。

What Exactly is a Sauce?
Before you can fully appreciate the mother sauces, you should know what a sauce is. Sauces are thickened liquids used to add richness, flavor and moisture to a dish. Drier foods – such as grilled meats, roasts or meatloaf – are often enhanced with sauces and gravies.Sauces typically contain a liquid, thickener and various flavorings and seasonings. French mother sauces use milk (béchamel sauce), white stock (veloute), brown stock (Espagnole), clarified butter (Hollandaise), and tomato (tomato sauce) as the liquid base for each type of sauce.Several mixtures are used for thickening sauces, including:

  • roux - 面粉和脂肪相等的煮熟的混合物(例如黄油,油或肉滴)。烹饪时间的量会影响颜色。例如,鲁克斯在烹饪时变成金色和棕色之前开始白色。
  • 粉刷或泥浆 - 面粉和冷水的混合物
  • 玉米淀粉 - 玉米淀粉和冷水的混合物
  • 联络 - 首先用热汤(因此它们不加扰)之前将其添加到液体之前的蛋黄
Adding thickeners to sauces usually requires a slow, continuous whipping technique to prevent lumps from forming. Once successfully added to the liquid, all thickeners must come to a boil before they reach their full thickening and holding potential.基本储备或用于酱汁的液体提供了许多风味。从这里开始,存在几种方法来增强风味,包括添加葡萄酒,柠檬汁,醋,调味料,草药和奶酪,以及减少调味料以浓缩其风味。Wine is often used in sauces, as are acids such as lemon juice and vinegar. Seasonings such as salt, pepper and cayenne are also used to give a sauce a new flavor. Other ingredients such as cheese can take a bland béchamel sauce and turn it into a zesty cheese sauce.

白汁– Béchamel sauce, or white sauce, was a sauce most often served to the rich or to royalty. Made out of a roux of flour, boiled milk and butter, the creamy white sauce added a smooth touch to white meats such as chicken, vegetables and eggs. In the years before refrigeration, milk products were rarely used in the recipes of the average French housewife.Veloute酱– Veloute sauce is often called the “fat white sauce” or “rich white sauce.” This is a white sauce with a blondish color that starts with chicken, veal or fish stock that has been thickened with a white roux. Common derivatives of this sauce include allemande sauce (veal), supreme sauce (chicken), and vin blance sauce (fish). For example, allemande sauce is based on veal veloute with egg yolk and cream, while supreme sauce is a chicken veloute that has been reduced with heavy cream. Vin blanc sauce is a fish veloute enhanced with herbs, butter and shallots.Brown or Espagnole Sauce- 这种酱汁以深棕色roux,小牛肉,牛肉,骨头,蔬菜和调味料开始。它被加热,脱脂和减少。初始减少后,添加番茄酱,并进一步降低酱汁。整个过程都耗时,需要数小时(如果不是几天),直到酱汁准备就绪。Espagnole酱的味道浓缩和浓烈,因此很少直接提供食物。

Instead, Espagnole sauce is often used as the base for derivative sauces such as demi-glace, sauce chevreuil and sauce bourguignonne. For example, demi-glace is made by adding an equal portion of veal stock to the Espagnole sauce.荷兰酱– Hollandaise sauce is a rich sauce featuring egg yolks and butter. While France made its own butter for many years, they imported butter from Holland during World War I. During this time, the sauce formerly known as “sauce Isigny” became known as Hollandaise sauce. When butter production resumed in France, the name remained the same. Making Hollandaise sauce requires practice to get it right. Care must be taken so the butter doesn’t curdle.番茄酱- 番茄调味料是基于西红柿。Marinara Sauce是一种基于番茄酱的常见衍生酱。其他酱汁制作技术
虽然母酱是建造许多调味料的基本基础,但您可以使用其他一些技术,例如在炒并添加蔬菜泥或面包面包屑后直接在锅中留下的果汁中添加增稠剂,而不是添加胖的。当今的厨师正在远离装有脂肪的奶油酱,转而采用较轻的釉料和调味料。Starting out with any of the five mother sauces – béchamel, veloute, Espagnole, Hollandaise or tomato – you can branch out in the kitchen and create delectable derivative sauces. Whether you follow a specific recipe, such as making béarnaise sauce, or venture out to create your own is up to you.
