

a person with aphasia working on communication skills at a table
言语治疗师可以帮助失语症的人学习再次交流。 iStock

作为俄亥俄州克利夫兰诊所的语言病理学家,Michelle Fritzevaluates中风患者soon after they’re admitted to the hospital for urgent care.



所有中风中约有三分之一导致失语症,但国家失语症协会(NAA)估计that about 8 out of 10 people have never heard of this disability.

Although the condition affects everyone differently, in general, aphasia inhibits a person’s ability to speak. It can also impair speech comprehension, reading, writing, gesturing, and use of numbers. People with aphasia do maintain their intelligence.

“One of the problems they often face is that everyone looks at them as if they are mentally challenged, because when they speak only three words may come out, saysCarol Persad, PhD,主任密歇根大学失语症计划(UMAP)在安阿伯。那对人来说是毁灭性的。”

People with aphasia are the same as they were before their strokes, trying to express themselves in spite of disability. Although aphasia has no cure, individuals can improve over time, especially through speech therapy.

The Different Types of Aphasia

失语症可以以不同的方式出现,注意NAA. With Broca’s aphasia, damage to frontal regions of the brain make it difficult to form full sentences, and patients may leave out words. For example, theNational Institute of Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) notesthat a person with Broca’s may say “walk dog” when he or she means “I'll take the dog for a walk.”

Anothertype of aphasia被称为韦尼克(Wernicke)的失语症,使人们说出可能包括废话的句子。沃尼克(Wernicke)区域损坏的人可能会指叉子是“ gleebie”,根据美国中风协会.


Starting the Recovery Process

After determining initial deficits, speech therapists begin coaching patients in pronouncing basic word sounds and teaching them ways to communicate nonverbally — pointing to pictures or words, for example.

Although good progress can be made in the months after a stroke, Dr. Persad stresses that it is possible for people to make advances even years after their episode.



Therapists also work with patients on exercises to make basic sounds again. They often present images to patients and ask them to verbalize what they see.


患者可能会更轻松地找到与椅子这样的简单物体匹配的单词,而诸如“ on”,“ in”和“之间”之类的单词可能更难处理,因为这些单词不会触发混凝土图像。

在many ways, the process can be similar to learning a foreign language. In his book无情:大规模中风如何改变我的生活,现已退休的全球金融主管泰德·W·巴克斯特(Ted W.通过各种疗法,巴克斯特恢复了演讲,现在在加利福尼亚州奥兰治县的医院,大学和卫生机构中提供了他作为中风幸存者的专业知识。

Speech therapists rely on an assortment of techniques to revive speaking skills. Music, for example, has proved to be an effective means for people to remember words. Some aphasia patients can barely speak but they can sing entire songs.


Because language is all about communication with others, therapy often includes group sessions with other stroke patients. These individuals face similar challenges, and group sessions give them the opportunity to support each other.

“If one patient has a strong skill in one area and another has a strong skill in a different area, they can help each other,” says Fritz.


“It sounds like a little thing, but it’s a事情,”她说。“每个人都在同一条船上。我们很开心。它可以帮助人们意识到他们可以再次发挥作用,过着生活,不必整天坐在沙发上。”


Getting Family and Friends Involved




Finding a way to communicate this frustration or any other difficulties is key for recuperation, adds Fritz. Patients may use a card or signal to alert a therapist, family member, or friend that they are tired, frustrated, or having difficulty.



许多移动设备都采用语音生成技术,使用户可以通过电子声音表达自己。与proloquo2go应用程序, individuals press symbols and images to produce spoken words.




“患者可以回家,我们可以每周继续治疗,” Persad说。



For many aphasia patients, the康复之路有时可能会灰心,但是变得更好的几率很大。


Additional reporting by阿什利·韦尔奇(Ashley Welch).