

Thinking of trying a gluten-free diet with Crohn's? There's some overlap between Crohn's and celiac, and eliminating gluten may help with both.

People with celiac disease need to completely cut out gluten — but it could be useful for folks with Crohn's to ditch it as well. istock.com


由于克罗恩斯和乳糜泻(有时称为乳糜泻)在某些方面相似,因此起初它们可能很难区分。除其他功能外,它们具有常见症状,包括腹泻和abdominal pain。一个人也可能患有两种疾病。

在克罗恩病和腹腔疾病中,免疫系统对某种环境刺激有反应。“在腹腔疾病中,我们知道刺激是麸质, but we don’t yet understand what the environmental stimulus is in Crohn’s,” saysKarlee Ausk, MD,西雅图瑞典医学中心的胃肠病学家。

The conditions are linked, though.一种荟萃分析于2020年5月发表在《杂志》上胃肠病学, which involved more than 60 individual studies, showed thatpeople with celiac diseaseare almost 10 times as likely to have an inflammatory bowel disease — including Crohn’s disease andvwin998- 与没有乳糜泻的人相比。


The Difference Between Crohn’s and Celiac Disease


腹腔诊断的途径始于血液检查根据营养学家凯利·肯尼迪(Kelly Kennedy,Rd)的说法,日常健康。重要的是不要开始gluten-free diet在完成这些测试之前,根据梅奥诊所, otherwise your labs may come back normal.

But blood tests are only one part of the puzzle — to confirm the diagnosis, your doctor will likely need to perform an endoscopic活检,其中涉及将一个称为内窥镜的细管插入口腔,并进入胃内,以看见胃肠道内部。否则您的医生可能会建议胶囊内窥镜检查,其中您吞下一个装有小型相机的药丸,该摄像机会在您的身体中移动时拍摄胃肠道的照片。

此后,您的医生可能会将您转介给营养学家,并建议您麸质- 饮食以查看您的症状是否有所改善。一种gluten-free diet消除在小麦,大麦,黑麦和用这些谷物制成的食物中发现的某些类型的蛋白质。

虽然没有单一的测试可以证实克罗恩的诊断,但该过程可能包括结肠镜检查to examine the colon, blood tests looking for evidence of inflammation, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or a computerized tomography (CT) scan to examine the bowels, and an upper endoscopy to view the first part of the small intestine.

The Power of a Gluten-Free Diet

如果检查发现您胃肠道upset and symptoms are due to Crohn’s disease,treatment recommendations will likely include a variety of medication approaches, and, in severe cases, surgery. If the diagnosis is celiac disease, treatment involves staying on a gluten-free diet.

“Following a strict gluten-free diet can eliminate all of the gastrointestinal乳糜泻的症状并允许肠道再生,从而更好地吸收食物中的营养素并改善整体健康状况。”肯尼迪说。


“In my practice I see a lot of people with Crohn’s disease who have worse symptoms when they are eating gluten,” Kennedy says. “I suggest people with Crohn’s try a gluten-free diet, and if it improves some of their symptoms, continue it.”

根据study published in the journal炎症性肠病, almost 20 percent of inflammatory bowel disease patients have tried a gluten-free diet, and 65 percent of those found a subjective benefit for their GI symptoms.

For both Crohn’s and celiac disease, the guidelines for a gluten-free diet are the same. While you eliminate wheat, barley, and rye from your diet, you can eat these grains and flours:

  • 玉米
  • 大豆
  • 豆子
  • 亚麻
  • Oats (in moderation)

You should also avoid processed lunch meats, as well as the following foods, unless they're labeled “gluten-free” or made with corn, rice, or soy:

  • 面食
  • 面粉
  • 谷物产品

Gluten may also be lurking in some surprising foods, including beer and other alcoholic beverages made from wheat, barley, or rye. For a complete list of foods to eat or avoid, check out the guidelines on the腹腔疾病基金会网站

Though Crohn’s and celiac disease may be related, having one condition doesn’t mean you’ll develop the other. But no matter which condition you have, a gluten-free diet may make your life a whole lot easier.

A registered dietician-nutritionist, especially one who specializes in消化健康凯利说,条件,也许能够进一步帮助克罗恩的家中的食物触发因素,凯利说 - 也许是尝试使用低粉料饮食,research published in December 2020 in营养showed may hold promise in treating the symptoms of Crohn’s. “This allows you to keep your diet as nutritionally balanced as possible and vwin appmanage your symptoms at the same time.”


“The bottom line is, if you’re diagnosed with celiac disease, you must follow a gluten-free diet. If you’re diagnosed with克罗恩病, it may be worth a try to see if a gluten-free diet can help to lessen your symptoms,” Kennedy says.

其他报告Amy Kraftand Monroe Hammond.