

Medically Reviewed
energy drinks fluid hydration
Energy drinks: mostly water, or mostly hype? 斯托克斯;帆布

能量饮料曾经是您在加油站上发现的东西,这些饮料被销售给需要在道路上保持清醒的长途卡车司机 - 不完全是健康食品。但是它们变得越来越受欢迎和主流,许多人将它们用作咖啡替代品。据报道,能源饮料市场是美国现成咖啡的五倍Wall Street Journal

能量饮料可以作为全尺寸饮料出售,类似于软饮料,也可以以较小的能量“镜头”出售,两种类型的产品通常都包含咖啡因作为主要成分。National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH)。Usually, the caffeine content of energy drinks far exceeds that of other caffeinated beverages such as coffee or soda. These drinks may also contain other stimulants, such asL-carnitine, guarana, and taurine, as well as added sugar, according to theCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

尽管出于其他原因对能量饮料受到批评 - CDC警告说,定期食用这些饮料可能会对神经系统产生负面影响 - 它们是一种流行的饮料,这提出了他们提供多少水合的问题。

每天足够的液体对于整体健康至关重要。毕竟,人体约为60%的水。美国地质调查局(USGS)。Proper hydration not only helps the body maintain temperature and lubricate joints, but it can also improve mood, brain function, and immunity, reports the哈佛T.H.陈公共卫生学院。Based on recommendations from the国家科学,工程和医学学院,妇女应打算每天喝大约9盎司8盎司(盎司)的水,男人应瞄准13 8盎司的杯子。(要获得更个性化的水合建议,请使用水合计算器

So, are energy drinks a good choice for fulfilling this daily quota? Read on to find out.

Water vs. Energy Drinks: How Do They Compare?

Without a doubt, water is healthier and more hydrating than energy drinks. Because energy drinks tend to be so high in sugar and caffeine, they contain a smaller amount of water, 89 percent by weight, per the美国农业部(USDA)。尽管您仍然可以从水中获得水合,但这些饮料确实包含了水分,但您还将获得大量糖和大量的咖啡因。此外,饮用水没有任何健康风险,而能量饮料则具有潜在副作用的洗衣清单(以下更多内容)。


各种各样的饮料都属于能量饮料类别,其营养事实也差异很大。NCCIH指出,16盎司的能量饮料可能含有多达240毫克的咖啡因,而2至2.5盎司的微型能量摄入量几乎可以包装,最多可容纳200毫克。这美国农业部’s listing for a standard energy drink, meanwhile, states that one 12 oz can contains 160 calories, 38 grams (g) of added sugar and 108 mg of caffeine. That is about the same amount of sugar in acan of cola和a comparable amount of caffeine to what you’ll get from a一杯咖啡。这Mayo Clinicnotes that while caffeine is a milddiuretic(又名它会让您小便更多),含咖啡因的饮料不会有助于dehydration, mainly because energy drinks are mostly water by weight — about 89 percent, according to data from the美国农业部

许多品牌确实提供无糖品种作为低热量选择。如果您选择了无糖的能量饮料,则可以节省卡路里和糖。根据美国农业部的说法,一份12盎司sugar-free energy drink含有大约14卡路里,(不用说)零糖。您还将以115毫克的形式获得类似数量的咖啡因。请记住,这些无糖饮料可能会含有人造甜味剂。

Energy Drinks vs. Sports Drinks: Which Is More Hydrating?

Energy drinks运动饮料据哈佛T.H.称,两者都包含糖作为第二成分(水后)。陈公共卫生学院。但是,体育饮料比能量饮料提供了更好的保湿饮料,这可能不足为奇,因为它们的目的是这样做。据哈佛说,运动饮料的糖往往少于能量饮料,并且通常不含咖啡因。这意味着您每杯能量饮料的水比运动饮料要少。

Types of Energy Drinks and How Hydrating They Are

传统能量饮料(8至12盎司)在89%的水中,传统的能量饮料将提供一些水合。糖,咖啡因和潜在的负面健康影响(例如心脏并发症,insomnia和焦虑,根据CDC) make it a less-than-ideal way to hydrate.

Energy shots (2 to 2.5 oz)您可能会在您最喜欢的商店的寄存器附近找到这些小瓶子。很难想象,但是一瓶小型品牌含有200毫克的咖啡因(相当于约16盎司酿造的咖啡)。虽然这笔钱可以舒适地适合梅奥诊所每天的400毫克咖啡因或更少的咖啡因,但如果您整天还获得其他咖啡因来源,或者如果您有一个以上的能量射击,则很容易过度使用。此外,由于它们的尺寸很小和大量的咖啡因,它们的水合方式很少。

无糖的能量饮料At 99 percent water by weight, these are your best hydration options if you’re reaching for an energy drink and looking to reap hydrating benefits. But be aware that they often contain artificial sweeteners.


In addition to offering some hydration, some学习已经建议能量饮料可以改善身体耐力,尽管International Journal of Health Sciencesnoted that research to support these claims is limited. That being said, the amount of sugar they contain more than negates any benefits. Additionally, the哈佛T.H.陈公共卫生学院指出,定期消费能量饮料与许多负面健康影响有关,包括心理健康,肾脏和牙齿问题。年轻人的过度摄入量甚至会导致冒险行为。大量的能源饮料消费甚至已与心脏衰竭,根据article published in the英国医学杂志in April 2021。所有这些风险都将能量饮料的安全质疑。如果您必须喝能量饮料,最好适度享受它们。

Should You Try Energy Drinks to Stay Hydrated?
