
A painful, bulging spot that occurs after hefting a heavy box or working out too hard could be a hernia. Get the details on different types of hernias, common hernia signs and symptoms, and how hernias are repaired.

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任何不自然的隆起都令人不安,当它是痛苦的疝气时,您想知道如何治疗它。任何人都可以发展出从婴儿到成年人的疝气。当器官穿过一部分肌肉或其他软弱的组织,通常在腹部区域的某个地方时,就会发生疝气。手术可以治疗大多数类型的疝气,尽管某些疝气可能会随着时间和生活方式而改变,具体取决于类型。疝气类型包括腹股沟疝,股骨疝气,上腹疝, umbilical hernia, incisional hernia, hiatal hernia, and rectal hernia.

Inguinal Hernia

inguinal hernias

腹股沟疝是最常见的疝气类型,在下腹和大腿上的腹股沟区域发展。这种类型的疝气通常是由腹股沟过多的应变引起的,腹股沟过多应变,这使腹部脂肪或一块小肠可以通过弱化的区域向下推入腹股沟或阴囊区域。成人和儿童都可以发展出腹股沟疝,但在男性中的可能性更大。腹股沟疝气看起来像是腹股沟中的一个凸起的斑点(它们可以在一个或两侧发育),并且随着时间的流逝会变得更大。它们通常很痛苦,可能需要手术才能纠正,尤其是当疝气被勒死时 - 当血液流向患病区域时。


femoral hernia

Women are more at risk for femoral hernias than men, especially older women. This type of hernia occurs when a portion of intestine pokes through a weakened area into the upper thigh muscle just under the groin. A femoral hernia usually causes a sore lump that may be more painful when you strain the area, such as when you lift or bend. Femoral hernias are at particular risk of strangulation, as well as incarceration, which occurs when the intestine becomes trapped in the hernia opening. Femoral hernias are usually treated with surgery, sometimes involving the placement of a mesh support to repair and reinforce the affected area.





umbilical hernia

A hernia that protrudes in the belly button area is called an umbilical hernia. An umbilical hernia occurs when the tissue lining of the abdomen doesn't close over this area, and an organ in the abdomen bulges outward. Although adults can develop umbilical hernias, they are most commonly seen in infants. The swollen bulge is visible when a baby strains the abdominal muscles, cries, or moves to a sitting position. Generally, babies with umbilical hernias don't need treatment, as most umbilical hernias will close up within a year or so. But if the hernia persists after the child reaches the age of 3 or 4, surgery may be needed.

Incisional Hernia

incisional hernia

An incisional hernia occurs when a hernia forms through a scar from abdominal surgery. Generally an abdominal organ, most often the bowel or intestine, pushes through the area weakened by the surgery and the scar and causes a bulge. Risk factors for incisional hernias include significant weight gain orpregnancy经过腹部手术后。切开的疝气可能很痛苦,尤其是在bowel movement,并且可能更容易站着而不是坐着。可以佩戴一种被称为桁架的皮带类型,以帮助管理切开的疝气,但您可能需要进行手术,通常以腹腔镜进行手术才能永久治疗。vwin app

Hiatal Hernia

hiatal hernia

当胃(1)通过隔膜(2)向上凸起时,就会发生裂孔疝,这是将腹部从胸部划分的肌肉。尚不清楚为什么会发生裂口性疝气,但是肥胖或烟雾和年龄较大的人有发展裂孔疝的风险更大。裂孔性疝也可能是先天性缺陷,会影响一些婴儿出生时。Hiatal hernia symptomsinclude chest pain, problems swallowing, and胃灼热. Medications to manage stomach acid and lifestyle changes (such as dietary changes,quitting smoking,减肥)可能足以治疗裂孔性疝气,但可能需要手术treat a hiatal hernia.

Rectal Hernia

rectal hernia

A rectal hernia is known as a rectocele, a protrusion of the rectal wall (1) into the阴道(2)。如果直肠周围的肌肉会减弱,则在弯曲以便排便时会形成疝气。直肠疝气在经历了困难分娩或多次分娩的妇女中尤其可能发生。性交痛苦或阴道中异常的饱满感可能是直肠疝的迹象,并且constipation可以使情况变得更糟。您也许可以通过饮食变化(例如液体和纤维增加)来治疗直肠疝。手术可以治疗这些调整后无法改善的直肠疝。